Operating a legal practice can be expensive and there are many expenses that cannot be turned off if you become unable to practice due to an illness or injury. We understand this. The last thing you need to worry about is how to pay your monthly overhead expenses when you should be focusing on your health.
Business Expense Insurance is an important financial tool that every lawyer who is responsible for firm expenses should consider in order to provide clients with continuity of service and yourself with peace of mind.
- Built for you
This plan is unique in the industry, paying out 100% of your monthly benefit amount for the first 12 months of total disability without the requirement for proof of expenses. Thereafter, benefits will be equal to expenses, all subject to the maximum monthly benefit—which can be as high as $30,000.
Eligible expenses may include office rent, equipment leases, staff salaries including employed lawyers and other ongoing expenses related to your practice.
We also recognize that many Lawyers are choosing to practice longer so we offer coverage up to age 80, subject to full-time employment as of age 71.
- Your Questions Answered
Here are some of the questions we get from Lawyers when they are considering Business Expense Insurance.
Can I insure someone other than myself?
Yes. The plan offers Key Employee coverage allowing a law firm to protect itself against the total disability of a key employed lawyer.
When do benefits kick in? I’ve heard that there are long waiting periods.
We know that your work is important and essential so we offer one of the shortest waiting times in the industry. You may be eligible for payments in as few as 14 days.
A Lawyers Financial Advisor can answer your questions and design a plan that meets your needs.
Business Expense insurance underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife). P.O. Box 670, Stn Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2J 4B8